o2 Mobile Phone Bill Information

On this page, you'll find information about how to access your o2 mobile phone bill online, as well as a collection of screenshots to demonstrate what tools are available to o2 mobile phone customers.


How to access your o2 bill

The tools offered by o2 for checking your mobile phone call usage are actually pretty good.

  • To access your bill, go to http://www.o2.co.uk/myo2

  • Once there, select View Mobile Bill

The o2 online billing system offers a range of excellent tools, including detailed reports, graphs, exports and printer-friendly summaries can be now be generated.

Below are some screenshots of the new system, as an example of what's on offer...

o2 Bill summary
Bill summary

o2 Itemised Bill Extract
Sample snippet from an itemised bill

o2 Mobile Usage Reports
Check your usage with a variety of reports


Common o2 Bill Questions

Problems viewing your bill? Selecting o2 My Bill

Having problems viewing your bill? Here's what you need to do...

To view your bill, go to the following web address: http://shop.o2.co.uk/mybill

You'll be prompted for a username and password, which were supplied to you by o2. Enter these where prompted, then press the "Go" button.

You'll then have a screen with several options. Press the "My Bill - Go" option (top left of webpage - see screenshot).

If you still have problems, the best advice is to contact o2 directly.

I can't view the numbers of people I've sent text messages to.

You don't get to see the number that you sent a text message to, only the SMS Service Centre number. This is by design.


o2 Information | o2's official site

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