Travel, holidays and accommodation

A small collection of recommended websites to check for good deals on fights, hotels and holiday stuff

ebookers is Europe's leading 24-hour travel store with millions of discounted flights, hotels, holidays and car hire.
They offer complete one-stop, online shopping with a host of travel products and services, including negotiated discount airfares with 120 airlines, and discounts with over 14,000 hotels worldwide. Member of Nectar

Expedia Travel Expedia is the UK's largest online travel agent. From their website, you can book your holidays, find cheap flights and browse through a wide choice of hotels, bed and breakfasts and car hire. They also have a decent selection of last-minute and cheap holidays.

thetrainline TheTrainline - online timetable, plus ability to search for the fastest or the cheapest route between UK rail stations. Pre-order tickets (no commission or postage costs!) for online savings. As an alternative, there's also RailEasy

Travel insurance online Travel Insurance online is one of the leading providers of online travel and holiday insurance for online UK residents on the Internet. has been on the Internet since 1999 and has now over 25,000 policyholders. Policies are tailor made for travellers going on holidays, business trips, weekend breaks or backpacking for 12 months. The policies are underwritten at Lloyds of London.

The fulfillment of the insurance is by web page, email, post and they also SMS text message the synopsis of the Insurance to your mobile phone.

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Warning to shoppers:

BewareWhen buying from the website, you might find yourself offered a cashback deal. Take care as you may get signed up to High-Street Max, an online membership scheme that charges you £14.95 a month.

The scheme is run by Adaptive Affinity, and many of our site visitors have had problems with debits on their credit card from this company. Check the small print carefully if you don't want to join the scheme.


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